The Account type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AlbumCreated |
Gets the number of albums that the user already created
| |
AlbumLeft |
Gets the number of albums remaining
| |
AlbumMax |
Gets the maximum number of albums that the user can create
| |
Authenticate |
Set it to true before calling the method authenticated
(Inherited from IpernityObject.) | |
BlogPermission |
Gets the permissions on blog for this account
| |
DocPermission |
Gets the permissions on docs for this account
| |
FileAudioKb |
Gets the maximum weight for audio files
| |
FileOtherKb |
Gets the maximum weight for other files
| |
FilePhotoKb |
Gets the maximum weight for photo files
| |
FileVideoKb |
Gets the maximum weight for video files
| |
NetworkPermission |
Gets the permissions on network for this account
| |
ProfilePermission |
Gets the permissions on profile for this account
| |
Token |
Gets The account token
| |
UploadLeftKb |
Gets the upload left Kb
| |
UploadLeftPercent |
Gets the upload left percent
| |
UploadLeftSeconds |
Get the upload left seconds
| |
UploadMaxKb |
Gets the upload maximum Kb
| |
UploadMaxPercent |
Gets the upload maximum percent
| |
UploadMaxSeconds |
Get the upload maximum seconds
| |
UploadUnlimited |
Gets whether the account has unlimited upload
| |
UploadUsedKb |
Gets the upload used Kb
| |
UploadUsedPercent |
Gets the upload used percent
| |
UploadUsedSeconds |
Gets the upload used seconds
| |
UserInfos |
Gets A User object containing the user informations